
How To Get Free Hotspot On A Cricket Phone

Cricket Hotspot Hack
Cricket Hotspot Hack

As we are sure that you are reading this, AT&T has been providing some services under the name of Cricket Wireless. In general, AT&T has quicker speeds, a more in-depth range of plans, and more perks.

However, what may have attracted you to Cricket in the first place is that their strength lies in providing a cheap and unlimited plan.

So, if that's your priority, you can't go far wrong! In addition, they are a company that is pretty focused on the user experience element.

They have also been supplying their customers with an additional 10GB of free data with their Cricket Wireless services.

However, there is a bit of a downside. Those of us on the $55 unlimited internet plan will have noticed that this plan comes without a Hot-Spot.

That being said, there is another option. There is also the $60 unlimited plan, which comes with up to 15GB of data. This one can be used for Hot-Spotting and just regular internet data usage.

The thing is, for a lot of customers, neither of these plans provides quite enough. For this reason, many of us have been out there trawling the net looking for tips and hacks on how to sidestep the restrictions of the Hot-Spot.

If you are one of those people, you have come to the right place. We have pretty much done all of the trawling so that you don't have to!

In this article, we will show you a whole range of tried and trusted ways to 'hack' your Hot-Spot for better performance.

So, if you're looking for endless Hot-Spotting as a feature, check out our tips and tricks below!

Cricket Hotspot Hack

Naturally, there is always something that is going to put up a little bit of resistance when you are trying to pull off a stunt such as this.

In this case, it isn't anything major at all. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that your AT&T account is paid up to use Cricket Hotspot.

As soon as this is done, you can move on to following the steps below to hack your way into getting unlimited free Hot-Spotting with Cricket Wireless.

With each of these tips, it is important to note that they will work equally as well whether you are using an Android or an Apple phone.

Asides from that, these tricks can seem a little difficult at first. But don't worry, if you follow the steps below closely, you should be up and running in no time at all!

So, without further ado, let's get stuck into it:

Step 1: Install Setting Database Editor

Install Setting Database Editor

  • On your phone, you will need to navigate to either the PlayStore or AppStore (Android and Apple, respectively)
  • Type in "Setting Database Editor."

Then, to get things started, wait while the App downloads and then open it up when it is done.

Step 2: Scroll Down To "Tether Entitlement Check State"

  • Straight after opening the App, scroll down through the options until you find the one titled "Tether Entitlement Check State."
  • Once you have found it, tap it to open it up.

Step 3: Change The Subject Number

As soon as you have opened this setting, you will have a dialogue box pop up on the screen.

  • All you need to do here is to type "-1" into the bar.

Note: While doing so, be very careful not to leave out the minus symbol before the 1. Also, there is no need to type in the inverted commas, just what is inside of them. You probably already knew this, but we're just stating it for the sake of clarity.

  • Finally, enter the settings bar in the App and close the App itself.

Step 4: Changing the Relevant Settings on Your Phone

Changing the Relevant Settings on Your Phone

Now that we have taken care of things within the App, it is time to make sure that your phone can follow suit.

This bit is a little tricky if you haven't done it before, so we will try to be as clear as possible here.

Depending on the phone you are using, the layout might be slightly different from what is listed below. If there are differences, they should only be minor.

Ok, here we go:

  • First up, go to "Settings" on your phone.
  • Next up, you will need to open up "Mobile Networks."
  • Then, tap on "Access Point Names."
  • Go to the option that says "Cricket."

At this point, you will be given a list full of copy-related options starting from MMS Proxy  to APN roaming protocol. Look them up and copy and paste everything you see.

Step 5: Go The APN Type

Next up, you will need to ensure that you write in these hacks that will alter your default settings into the APN type. Here they are below:

  • default,MMS,dun,supl

When you have finished typing these 'cheat codes' into the APN type field, the next thing you will have to do is to switch off the App and then go to the main interface of your phone.

When you are there, check your mobile Hot-Spot to make sure that it is working as it should be.

If it isn't working straight away, don't panic. Some phones will require that to you restart them before these settings changes can take effect.

What's Next?

After you have completed the above steps, the next thing is to open the Hot-Spot settings.

At this point, you should be seeing that the Cricket Wireless network is working.

While you are there, you should also check the generic settings in your phone's Hot-Spot options. You should then see that none of your MBs are being used.

In fact, instead of this, your phone's internet should be powered solely by the free Hot-Spot.

And that's it! You should now have the convenience of a free and unlimited Hot-Spot at your disposal!

Free and Unlimited Hot-Spot Across all 50 States

Free and Unlimited Hot-Spot Across all 50 States!

By using the above hack and having your mobile Hot-Spot on, you should be able to take your Cricket Wireless network with you wherever you end up.

We hope that this tip worked for you. That being said, if you have found another way to do it that works just as well, we would be curious to know all about it.

Please hit us up in the comments section below so we can pass on the information to our readers!

How To Get Free Hotspot On A Cricket Phone


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